E69: Secrets to Staying Productive (and Sane) During a Pandemic with Sarah Ohanesian

Welcome, listeners, to Women Emerging Fearlessly, the podcast dedicated to helping women live with fearless confidence, and to know how amazing they truly are. I’m your host, Janelle Anderson, and in Episode 69 you’ll hear my conversation with Sarah Ohanesian.

A CMO-turned-productivity-coach and speaker, Sarah knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and what it’s like to feel accomplished, fulfilled, and joyful every day. She built the system, tools, and templates she needed to manage life as a busy CMO. Now, she shares everything she has learned and created with those she works with. She coaches and trains busy professionals on how to be more productive, have more confidence, have less guilt, and ultimately get back control of their time. She's on a mission to help busy professionals fight burnout by helping them get more done, so they can love the work they do and still have time for the people they love! She is the founder of SO Productive.


In this episode we discuss practical ways to be more productive and yet, less stressed at the same time.

Check out Sarah’s website, www.so-productive.com, where she has several free resources, including her My Guilt-Free Guide to Saying “No.”

If you enjoyed the show, subscribe to it wherever you listen to podcasts, and please consider leaving a positive review. If you’d like to work with Janelle on becoming fearlessly confident, email her at janelle@emerginglifecoaching.com.

Website: www.emerginglifecoaching.com




Podcast theme music by composer Jared LeDoux; www.jaredledoux.com

Podcast produced by: Shana T.; www.shanatphoto.com