E39: Reinventing Yourself Confidently to Thrive Not Just Survive with Michelle Barrial

Welcome, listeners, to Women Emerging Fearlessly, the podcast dedicated to helping women live with fearless confidence, and to know how amazing they truly are. I’m your host, Janelle Anderson, and in Episode 39 I chat with Michelle Barrial about things like reinventing yourself through life's challenges, such as divorce, bankruptcy, or job loss. How to use the amazing power of your mind to create the life of your desires; taking stock of your strengths and transform the weaknesses into allies; discovering how to master your inner critic that wants to intervene to keep you from manifesting your best self; techniques for changing your perspective; forgiveness and the process of self-acceptance.


Michelle is a life transformation coach, author, speaker, and hypnotherapist. She serves professional women by helping them learn how to release stress, improve their health, and gain confidence to create work/life balance to manifest their goals. Her passion is empowering people to release anxieties and fears from the past that has created a lack of confidence and self-worth. She coaches them through the transformation out the darkness within into the lightness of their own being.

Michelle has a free pdf titled, “7 Simple Stress Stoppers,” that she has made available to listeners here:


Reach Michelle: michelle@healingheartsandminds.com

Website: http://www.healingheartsandminds.com

Faebook: http://www.facebook.com/Healingheartsandminds.com

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Website: www.emerginglifecoaching.com

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“The attitude of gratitude…fill yourself up like a balloon. Fill yourself up with radiance and confidence…so that you can just share all that wonderful emotional joy with others.”