E43: Less Ego, More Soul with Janet Ioli

Welcome, listeners, to Women Emerging Fearlessly, the podcast dedicated to helping women live with fearless confidence, and to know how amazing they truly are. I’m your host, Janelle Anderson, and in Episode 43 I chat with Janet Ioli, leadership expert, author, and executive coach who has been helping leaders create their most powerful presence for over 20 years. She has worked as an executive leader inside four Fortune 200 companies and has extensive real- world experience in different industries. She is the President of Power Presence Academy and specializes in working with women. Her work with women leaders challenges them to move beyond prescribed, outdated stereotypes and embody a new type of powerful leadership presence.

We chat about being grounded and centered in the true knowledge of who you are is the key to having a powerful presence and banishing the impostor syndrome. We talk about having a leadership presence that isn’t ruled by ego, what others think of you, or the environment in which you find yourself, but rather ruled by the confidence you have in knowing the unique gift that you have to offer the world, and the value of that gift. You don’t want to miss this inspiring conversation!

Janet will send a free copy of her book, Less Ego, More Soul: A Modern Reinvention Guide for Women, plus a bonus gift to the first three listeners of this podcast who go to Amazon, buy her book and then email her and mention the podcast. You can email her at: janet@janetioli.com

Please visit Janet’s website, janetioli.com, for more information about her work.


If you enjoyed the show, subscribe to it wherever you listen to podcasts, and please consider leaving a positive review. If you’d like to work with Janelle on becoming fearlessly confident, email her at janelle@emerginglifecoaching.com.

Website: www.emerginglifecoaching.com





Podcast theme music by composer Jared LeDoux; www.jaredledoux.com

Podcast produced by: Shana T.; www.shanatphoto.com

Quotes: “Your impostor syndrome problems will go away if you are grounded in who you are.” ~Janelle Anderson

“What is a powerful presence? It’s really being centered and grounded in your own skin. You have a presence. It’s energy inside of you that people feel when they’re around you. And what is that like?” ~Janet Ioli