How It Feels to Hold My Book in My Hands

As I write this, I am sitting here holding my book in my hands. This book that has been in my heart for more than four years is finally here. As I hold it, feeling the pages, the brilliant shiny cover, the weight of it as I hold it, I think of the weight of the words themselves and what they mean, and all that it represents. I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I cannot fully express all that I feel when I hold my newly released book in my hands.

Throughout the process of writing, editing, and publishing this book, I have probably read it through more times than I can count. But holding it physically in my hands and reading my words on the printed page in a published, beautiful book is an experience all by itself. There is nothing quite like it. It is surreal. It is wonder. It is satisfaction, fulfillment, and accomplishment all wrapped up with a big, beautiful bow.

I’ve heard people say that writing a book is one of the most transformative experiences a person can have. I completely agree. It is no joke. It took me about four years to write this book, but it wasn’t that I was writing the entire time. I wrote for a while, then put it on the shelf for a while. Then I would go back to it again. It wasn’t easy to write some of these words. I had to pull them from the deepest parts of my soul. The process of putting words on paper, remembering, and describing painful moments of life, getting them out of my heart and head into written form – this process has changed me. Writing my book has brought more healing to my heart in ways I didn’t even know I needed.

As I sit here now holding my gorgeous, completed book in my hands, I am more convinced than ever that my story matters. Your story matters. Every story matters. What you have on the inside of you must be expressed authentically in your unique way just as I have done in my way. It is important. What you have to share with the world has an impact.

I was able to persevere and keep writing my book until it was complete because my book kept asking to be written. It wouldn’t leave me. It grew and grew inside me like a baby when a woman is pregnant. It took on a life of its own and insisted on being birthed into the world. And it’s not about getting a bunch of accolades or applause for writing a book. It’s really not about me at all. It’s about the difference it will make in other people’s lives. It’s about sharing what I am uniquely called and designed to give to the world. No one else can tell your story or give your gift.

What you have in you needs to be birthed, too. There are people who need what you have to share. Every voice matters. Every story matters. Your voice matters. Your story matters.

My greatest hope is that my book will be an instrument to help others’ voices to be heard. I hope it will bring transformation and freedom to many lives. That’s the only reason I tell my story and that’s why it matters so much.

There are many voices being silenced right now, right this very moment, due to human trafficking. As you know if you’ve read my book, part of my story includes being sex trafficked for three years in my twenties. I know firsthand how that trauma will shut you down and make you feel like you are worthless. These precious people have immense worth and value as human beings. It is a terrible tragedy that their light has been dimmed and their voice silenced in this horrible manner.

Did you know that January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month? I didn’t plan my book launch to take place in January for this reason because I didn’t even know! When I found out, I decided that this is the perfect opportunity to bring more awareness to this issue and to do what I can to help bring freedom to as many of these victims as possible.

Would you help me?

For the next week, I am going to donate a portion of every book sale to Shared Hope International, an organization dedicated to prevention, justice, and restoration to the victims of sex trafficking. They work to bring more awareness around the world to what is happening and educating people about what they can do to help.

You can help by simply buying my book or buy several books (they make great gifts!) by Sunday, February 6th. Then send me a screenshot of your receipt or confirmation of purchase by email so I know how much to donate on your behalf. That’s it! So, let’s do this! You can order it on Amazon.

Let’s help bring freedom to these amazing people so their voices can be heard!