Set Achievable Goals to Speak More & Have Greater Influence

As a coach or expert, your ability to communicate effectively is paramount. Whether you're addressing a small group or speaking at a large virtual event, the impact of your words can be profound. But to truly excel in your speaking career, it's crucial to set achievable goals. In this blog, we'll explore how to set realistic, impactful goals for your speaking career, overcoming common challenges along the way.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting goals is not just about having an endpoint in sight; it's about creating a roadmap for your journey as a speaker. Clear goals help you focus, measure progress, and stay motivated. For speakers, this could mean improving your public speaking skills, increasing your audience size, or successfully hosting a series of webinars.

1. Define Clear and Specific Goals

Begin by asking yourself: What do I want to achieve in my speaking career? Avoid vague ambitions. Instead, set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. For instance, "Increase webinar attendance by 30% within six months" is a SMART goal.

2. Tackle the Fear of Public Speaking

It's normal to feel nervous, but don't let fear hold you back. Practice regularly, seek feedback, and consider joining speaking clubs or workshops. Remember, confidence grows with experience.

3. Quality vs. Quantity

Strive for a balance. While it's important to gain exposure through various speaking engagements, prioritize the quality of your content and delivery. Each talk is a reflection of your brand.

4. Embrace Virtual Platforms

The virtual world offers vast opportunities. Invest time in mastering virtual communication tools and techniques. Understand that engaging a virtual audience requires different strategies compared to in-person events.

5. Develop a Strong Personal Brand

Your brand is your promise to your audience. It encompasses your values, the way you communicate, and how you present yourself. A consistent, authentic personal brand can significantly boost your speaking career.

6. Connect with Diverse Audiences

Adaptability is key. Tailor your content to resonate with different groups. This might involve varying your presentation style or incorporating diverse examples into your talks.

7. Master Time Management

Balancing speaking engagements with other responsibilities is a skill. Use tools and strategies to manage your time effectively. Prioritize tasks and don't be afraid to delegate.

8. Network Strategically

Building relationships in the industry can open doors. Attend networking events, join professional groups, and engage on social media platforms. Remember, networking is about giving as much as receiving.

9. Stay Informed and Adaptable

The speaking industry is dynamic. Keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies. Attend seminars, read industry publications, and listen to your audience's feedback to stay relevant.

10. Measure Your Success

Finally, track your progress. Use feedback, attendance numbers, and engagement metrics to gauge the impact of your speaking engagements. These insights will help you refine your goals and strategies.


Setting achievable goals is the first step in advancing your speaking career. By addressing common challenges and employing strategic planning, you can enhance your skills, grow your audience, and make a lasting impact. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Start setting your goals today and watch your speaking career soar.