Without a clear target, it’s impossible to move forward toward living the life you truly want. The first step to creating an exit strategy from your “day job” is to know where you want to go and what you want to do.
Become aware of your greatest strengths and talents: Create a list of your greatest strengths by answering these questions: What are you naturally good at? What would your friends say are your gifts or talents? When have you felt really successful?
Find motivation: Write down all the things that fire you up. What are you passionate about? What are the causes that you talk about, give money and energy to, and feel compelled to help? Ask yourself “why” – why do these things light that fire in your belly?
Recall your life experiences: What did you dream of doing as a child? List all of your experiences (jobs, careers, studies in school, hobbies, etc.) What experiences have shaped you and impacted you in your life?
Take a look at all the answers and lists you’ve created. What themes do you see? What stands out to you? These are clues about whom you really are and what you were created to do. Write one sentence from these insights to answer the question: What do I really want to do?